If you are being harassed by debt collectors, too scared to answer the telephone and have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Then read on, because we’re going to tell you what the debt collectors don’t want you to know!
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has issued a guideline on debt collection. It includes reasonable conditions such as:
- You should only be phoned between 7:30 AM and 9 PM.
- You should not be contacted more than three times per week without your permission.
- You should not be contacted at work, unless there is no alternative.
- Your financial affairs cannot be discussed with your family friends or employer.
- You, your family and friends should not be abused or threatened in any way.
- You should not be threatened with court action when there is no intention of this.
When dealing with creditors and debt collectors, is your right to be treated with politeness courtesy and respect at all times.
If you think you’re being harassed, you can complain to the office of fair trading.
If you feel you’ve been threatened or abused or a debt collector refuses to leave your home or workplace contact the police.
If the creditor threatens to prosecute you in the criminal courts. Don’t worry, being in debt is not a criminal offence.
Full details of your rights can be obtained from The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) or from the State office of fair trading.
If you would like information on how to freeze your interest and late charges, and how to get the debt collectors off your back, check out www.prolegal.net.au or call 1300 856 882.